Full width iframe embed
Andrew Hobbs
We are embedding data dashboards from other tools like Klipfolio. The current iframe embed field is good but the width limitations constrict the dashboard. We need space for lot of widgets and would benefit greatly from using the entire width of the page. Overall, the more native we can make the embed feel the better too.
Team Stacker
Merged in a post:
Crop Embed or allow embed code
David W
I created a video gallery for my customer with Vimeo Videos. Unfortunately, because of iframe limitation in Stacker, it's impossible to go full screen from the embeded video ! Please allow adjusting iframe parameters so my customer can have access to full screen Vimeo video like all the website in the world that embeded videos !
Vincent Piche
+1, would love to be able to specify width without having to use custom CSS.
Also, and more importantly, the capability to adjust iframe parameters depending on whether the users is on desktop or mobile would be helpful.
Marko Stojanovic
Been requesting this for a while! Many apps that we iFrame look really bad & many times unsuable with the width constrains
Wow. I was coming on to write this request. Like Ambroise Dhenain said, we used custom CSS to target the iframe, using this article: https://css-tricks.com/full-width-containers-limited-width-parents/
Before, we were targetting all max-width parent elements of the iframe, but it got complicated.
Ambroise Dhenain
Andrew Hobbs Our workaround for this was using custom CSS, targeting the iframe CSS classes and increasing the width to take more space. Works well, and simple enough.
Noam Say
Hey Ambroise Dhenain Thanks for the comment. I have the same issue, do you mind sharing the CSS code? :)
Ambroise Dhenain
Noam Say: I don't remember (over a year ago) and coulnd't find that code again (maybe deleted since then), also, the code might depend on each app (usually related to the field's name).
If you want to follow-up, you can contact me on Slack, I do provide consultancy services. :)