Lory Buffara
Sze Wing Choi
We released the ability for users of applications to be able to delete records for applications with an Airtable data source. https://support.stackerhq.com/hc/en-us/articles/4415884994579
Ross Parker
Sze Wing Choi: That's great, thank you.
Sze Wing Choi
generally available
David Daniels
Yes yes yes
Sze Wing Choi
David Daniels: Hi David - I'm a Product Manager at Stacker. are you keen to chat to me a bit more about your request? I'll drop you an email if so.
Matthew Richardson
If I delete records on my airtable, they won't delete on stacker?
Ross Parker
It's hard to comply with data laws in many jurisdictions if users cannot removed their data as easily as they can add it.
corentin martinot
Hi, i confirm. This is important
Hello, possibility of deleting a record directly from stacker please. Thank you.
Mark Sorenson
I saw someone suggest a good workaround in Slack for deleting records so I thought I'd post a video of how I did it, using Integromat. You could set this automation up on their free plan pretty easily. You could also use Zapier to do this, but you'd also have to use another tool like on2air. Here's the video: https://www.loom.com/share/7aa54ce6c2294a72a2a7517683d53e5a
Armen Nercesian
Mark Sorenson: This is smart. Idea after watching for people who just want the record gone from the Stacker UX but not actually deleted from their db: use the "Delete Record" checkbox exactly as you set it up, and then set a filter for the List-level page view to not show any records with that checkbox checked. A bit hacky and you need to remember to apply the filter globally, but if data history is important this gets the job done.
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