Multi-steps new create forms
Team Stacker
Merged in a post:
Multiple Add New Forms
Jeff Miller
It would be nice to be able to create multiple forms for adding new records. Sometimes the condition of adding a new record changes based on the type of data you want to enter into a table. For each view, you would select which form the "add new" button goes to.
Team Stacker
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Multiple "Create" layout
Adrien Jorge
We currently have multiple "Edit" layout, we are missing multiple "Create" layout.
Calista Green
I am voting 100 times for conditional logic on form fields within action buttons.
Just looking for the same functionality in the standard form where a user enters a new record to be replicated in the 'action button' form. The ability to set required fields, conditional visibility etc.
I currently require users to click an action button and enter information before proceeding to the next step/status.
Many times the information required to be entered by the user 'depends on X, Y or Z' of which information the user is only entering in the system within the action button.
I currently am unable to make specific fields conditional which means I have to create multiple action buttons predicting the use case scenarios the user might gave - which is not ideal for many reasons - and/or I have to include all possible fields in the action button form and keep them optional.
Therefore if they aren't relevant then the user doesn't have to fill them out - but this leaves really messy and excessive use of fields and my users miss entering the information all together because the fields aren't required.
So, definitely voting up the conditional logic of action button form fields please.
Lainie Ereno
Yes, please - especially with conditional logic.
Lainie Ereno
Need multiple Create layouts. In our client portal we need different Create layouts.
Brice Wheeler
Love this. Related items needed.
- Ability to select what options to show in drop down fields. (I have a field that is status based (New, In process, complete, remove) on the creation form remove looks like a ridiculous option. To get around this we have to have a one drop down that contains remove and one that doesn’t. Create form uses the one without remove, the details record includes the field that has remove. - bunch of Airtable formula fields and automations later and it looks like it functions the way it should.
- Contingent logic in the field sections of the record details page. E.g can’t see a field until another set of field selections are made. Currently you can daisy chain this together by adding a bunch of different field sections each containing a field or few fields and then you hide the whole section unless the correct selections are made, not a problem for small instances but when you have a ton of contingent logic the details page looks like a hot mess with all these one to two field sections filling up the screen.
Yes ! And also please allow lookup field from airtable work from one step to the other ! e.g. : the user choose a linked record in step 1 and in step 2 he can see a lookup field from the linked record in step 1
Peter Juten
Adrien Jorge
Something similar would to offer conditional logic based on the field populated on the form (instead of field already populated on the record being edited), as Airtable has for the new record form.
Adrien Jorge: yes! Conditional logic of fields in a form is critical for a nice form experience.
Peter Juten
Merged in a post:
Split sections into multiple pages.
Chelsea Scriven
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